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From its beginning, Humber has been a pioneer in providing quality general education courses to its students. General education guidelines issued by Ontario's College Standards and Accreditation Council (CSAC) confirm the important role general education plays in all postsecondary programs.

General education is the broad study of subjects and issues that are central to life in the contemporary world. As such, general education courses are non-program specific and designed to deepen students' understanding of their roles as potential workers, family members, consumers, community members, citizens, and life-long learners.

General Education courses are available both in-class and online.

General Education Certificate Programs

Humber's commitment to general education also extends its presence in Continuous Professional Learning by offering several Certificate Programs. Each certifcate can be completed entirely online. 

Certificate in the Study of Human Behaviour

Indigenous Knowledge Certificate

Intercultural Relations Certificate

Organizational Behaviour

Professional Ethics Certificate

Social Entrepreneurship Certificate

students in class


2019 Fall Courses – General Education

Course Code Course Name
GNED 101 An Introduction to Arts and Sciences
PHIL 217 Ethical Issues
POLS 150 Introduction to Politics
POLS 219 Globalization
SCIE 221 The Environment
PSYC 224 Psychology: Social
SOCI 150 Sociology: Introduction
SOCI 240 Sociology of the Family
SOCI 277 Sexual Diversity: Contemporary Social Issues