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Advanced Everyday EnglishNEW

Certificate of Completion | ENGLA

This certificate is designed for learners who want to refine their fluency, precision and confidence for effective communication in both everyday and professional settings. The program focuses on using English flexibly and naturally in complex interactions such as negotiating, managing difficult phone calls, resolving conflicts and responding to complaints. Live, interactive sessions provide opportunities for collaboration, discussion, and personalized feedback, ensuring learners build confidence in navigating advanced communication scenarios. The program also emphasizes developing cultural awareness to adapt communication styles to different audiences and situations. By completing this program, learners will gain the advanced English skills needed to communicate fluently, flexibly and culturally appropriately in a wide range of situations.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this certificate, learners will be able to:

  • Manage advanced communication challenges including negotiating, resolving conflicts and responding to complaints.
  • Use appropriate tone and language in both professional and everyday scenarios such as writing resumes, responding to feedback and responding to feedback.
  • Express ideas, opinions and evaluations clearly and persuasively in discussions and presentations.
  • Understand and respond to complex spoken English in diverse contexts, including nuanced conversations, interruptions and difficult phone calls.
  • Write detailed, structured texts tailored to professional and social purposes.
  • Build and maintain professional and personal relationships through effective and culturally appropriate communication.

Language Equivalency

Completion of this certificate will allow learners to reach C1 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) which is equivalent to level 10 in the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB). 

Method of Delivery

This program will be offered through both synchronous and asynchronous delivery modes. Learners will meet their instructor weekly for a live 2-hour interactive synchronous session, In addition, learners will also engage in asynchronous learning. 

Note: Courses in the Expanding Everyday English certificate do not qualify for General Education credit in diploma/degree programs.


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Course Name 2025/2026 Academic Year 2026/2027 Academic Year
Compulsory Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
ENGE 300: Advanced Everyday English

Compulsory Courses

ENGE 300 Advanced Everyday English
  Start Date: April 2025  

The Advanced Everyday English course operates at a near proficient level of English. Learners will perfect their knowledge of advanced grammar and English-speaking culture by exploring such text-based and video themes as living in the modern world, tourism, health, politics and science. Through a continued focus on the four skill areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking, students will master their competence of the authentic English they will encounter in daily life and the business world.

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to: 

  • Read, understand and respond to written texts 
  • Recognize and use effectively the language structures introduced in this level
  • Communicate with some fluency in situations presented in this course
  • Write on topics introduced in discussion board and comprehensively respond to other students
  • Understand, use and correctly pronounce new vocabulary in communicative situations


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Humber Continuous Professional Learning Liberal Arts & Sciences
416.675.6622 ext. 4554

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