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Advanced Everyday FrenchNEW

Certificate of Completion | FRENA

This certificate is designed to further strengthen learner's confidence to understand and communicate in French. Learners in this program will further explore the themes of health and medicine, culture and society, business and merchandise, and science and technology through a combination of interactive and engaging online language learning activities. The certificate will enable learners to strengthen their knowledge of advanced and complex structures of talking about past events, saying what they would have done, expressing doubt and uncertainty.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this certificate, learners will be able to: 

  • Talk about health and well-being.
  • Express emotions and desires and state opinions.
  • Describe and narrate events in the past.
  • Describe simultaneous and sequential events in the past, present or future.
  • Make suggestions and give advice.
  • Express emotions, beliefs and opinions.
  • Communicate in the contextual settings of social and cultural activities, business and merchandising.

Language Equivalancy

Completion of this certificate will allow learners to reach C1 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) which is equivalent to level 10 in the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB). 

Method of Delivery

This program will be offered through both synchronous and asynchronous delivery modes. Learners will meet their instructor weekly for a live 2-hour interactive synchronous session, In addition, learners will also engage in asynchronous learning. 

Note: Courses in the Advanced Everyday French certificate do not qualify for General Education credit in diploma/degree programs.


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Course Name 2025/2026 Academic Year 2026/2027 Academic Year
Compulsory Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
FREN 300: Advanced Everyday French

Compulsory Courses

FREN 300 Advanced Everyday French
  Start Date: April 2025  

The Advanced Everyday French course reinforces the French language and aims to give learners greater confidence in their capacity to understand and communicate in French. Learners will be able to easily understand the main ideas of authentic documents on both concrete and abstract topics and to interact efficiently and accurately with native speakers. This course will enable learners to perfect their knowledge of talking about past events, saying what they would have done, and expressing doubt and uncertainty. Communication skills will be developed to allow learners to discuss their interests and competencies, explain complex matters, provide coherent narratives, and present their opinions on a number of issues.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to: 

  • Read, understand and respond to written texts 
  • Recognize and use effectively the language structures introduced in this level
  • Communicate with some fluency in situations presented in this course
  • Write on topics introduced in discussion board and comprehensively respond to other students
  • Understand, use and correctly pronounce new vocabulary in communicative situations


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Humber Continuous Professional Learning Liberal Arts & Sciences
416.675.6622 ext. 4554

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