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General Arts & Science

Exploratory Programs

Get the confidence you need to make choices that lead to the right program and the right career. Exploratory programs will help you find your fit and get on-track. Build the strategies and skills needed to pursue academic goals and graduate with your career options open. Taking the time to sample courses before you commit will propel you forward as many courses within the curriculum can apply to transfer credits in future programs.

General Exploratory Programs  

Technology  Pre-Health 

Explore Entryways into Certificates, Diploma and Degree Programs

You have gained foundational skills in high school workplace-level courses. We help you build on that foundation to get the skills needed for certificate or diploma programs.


College Transfer Certificate (09181)

2 Semesters

Explore career and program options in a variety of fields including Health Sciences & Wellness, Business, Media, Creative Arts, and Design, Applied Sciences and Technology, Social & Community Services and Liberal Arts & Sciences, while you are gaining transfer credits to your future program.


Graduate with admissions requirements for a Humber certificate or diploma.

You have the high school courses you need, but you’d like time and space to explore and continue to develop the skills necessary for success in post-secondary.


Student with backpack smiling

Diploma and Degree Transfer Certificate (GA111)

2 Semesters

Explore career and program options in a variety of fields while you are developing the skills you need to complete degree-level studies. Transferrable skills and transfer credits will help your transition into college or degree-level studies. Sustainability Stream is available.


Graduate with admissions requirements for a Humber diploma or degree.

You are interested in pursuing degree or university studies but you’d like to take the time to explore different program options and build the skills and confidence necessary for success at the degree level.


Professional student smiling

University Transfer Diploma (09111)

4 Semesters

Spend more time exploring career and program options in a variety of fields while developing the skills you need to complete diploma- to degree-level studies. Earn more transferrable skills and transfer credits to ease your workload in future studies. A Sustainability Stream is available.


Graduate with admissions requirements for a Humber diploma or degree.

Explore Entryways into Technology or Health Sciences Programs

You are interested in pursuing an Engineering degree at Humber and you need additional courses and/or need to boost your GPA to meet admission requirements.


Student smiling

Technology Certificate

2 Semesters

Explore the foundations of technology while developing the skills, and knowledge, necessary for entry into Humber’s advanced diploma or engineering degrees. Develop transferrable skills and earn transfer credits to ease your workload in future studies.


Graduate with admissions requirements for a Humber advanced diploma or engineering degree.

You are interested in pursuing a degree in Health Sciences at Humber and you want to get some hands-on experience in biology and chemistry labs.


Nurse holding documents

Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees

2 Semesters

Explore different careers in health sciences by connecting with experts in the health-care field and participating in pathways events. In addition, you will learn to analyze personal and professional situations from various perspectives to help develop a sense of personal and social responsibility as a citizen and allied health professional.


Graduate with admissions requirements for a Humber advanced diploma or degree.

Humber is Dedicated to Giving Students Every Opportunity to Excel

Find Yourself First

Discover your interests and explore future program opportunities through a diverse set of courses offered in our Exploratory Programs. Gain confidence in developing foundational skills while sampling program areas over a shorter term. Get a refresher, or a fresh start toward reaching your academic and career goals.

Strengthen Your Academic Foundation

Improve your marks and your academic standing to gain admission into a diploma or degree program at college or university. Get ready for further studies in many program areas such as: business, community & social services, health sciences & wellness, applied sciences & technology, media, creative arts, and design or inter-disciplinary studies.

Earn Transfer Credit

Use your transfer credits toward a reduced course load in your future program giving you more time to study, work or to enjoy a better life to school balance. General Arts & Science Exploratory Programs lead to transfer credits in over 100 different diploma and degree programs at Humber.

Supports and Services Included

Humber programs offer you supports including free tutoring and academic advising. Through your tuition, you have access to mental health & wellness resources and health insurance.

Fees and Financial Aid

Humber is committed to reducing the affordability gap. Some programs offer work-study opportunities and scholarships making education more accessible and manageable. You may qualify for financial assistance and/or grant funding to help cover your costs. Find out more through Humber Financial Aid.

What Are Transfer Credits and How Do I Use Them?

Humber's General Arts and Science exploratory programs have been set up so that you can sample courses to decide if a direction is right for you. As many of the courses are within programs that you may want to pursue after completing an exploratory program, you can get credit for already taking that course and not have to take it again in a future program.

Minimum Grade Requirements

Transfer credit will be awarded for approved courses with a minimum grade of 60% (C-) or equivalent except in the case of transfer from diploma-level to degree-level programs where a minimum of 65% (C+) is required. Some exceptions by program may be required at the direction of regulatory bodies.

Exceptions include:

  • Bachelor of Science, Nursing (core courses): the minimum grade for a certificate or diploma to degree transfer credit is 75%*
  • Bachelor of Science Nursing, Second Entry Preparation: the minimum grade for degree level transfer credits is 75%
  • Bachelor of Engineering Degrees (core courses): the minimum grade for a degree to degree transfer credit is 70%*

How to Apply for Transfer Credit

There is a process required for applying for Transfer Credit, be sure to read the FAQs under Applying for Transfer Credit to get started.