Spanish is becoming more and more the second language of choice for people around the world. In order to better meet the growing demand and give students an opportunity to work towards proficiency in Spanish, Humber offers three six-course certificate programs: Spanish Language certificate (in-class), Everyday Spanish Language certificate (online) and Professional Spanish Language certificate (online).
If you are looking to earn one of the Spanish language certificates, you can begin your studies at your appropriate level rather than having to start at the beginner level. However, you must complete at least levels 5 and 6 to receive any of the Spanish language certificates.
Additional Information
Spanish Language Placement Test
This placement test is designed to help you informally assess your Spanish language proficiency to gain a better idea of which course to begin your Spanish studies at Humber. If you have no previous Spanish language experience, you are welcome to take the test, but should register into Spanish 1. The placement test focuses on knowledge of basic grammatical structures; it does not evaluate oral and written skills. The placement test contains 50 multiple choice questions. It is recommended that you do the test without the use of any study aids to obtain a more accurate result. Take the Spanish placement test now.
Professional Spanish Language Certificate
If you have graduated from either our Spanish Language or Everyday Spanish Language Certificate program and wish to continue your Spanish studies, you can register into our online Professional Spanish Language Certificate. You should enter the professional stream at a higher level, as focus on professional communication and specialized business vocabulary begin at level 4. You must complete at least levels 5 and 6 to receive the Professional Spanish Language Certificate.
Intensive Spanish Language Program
Students can now choose to complete Spanish 1 & 2, 3 & 4 or 5 & 6 in the same semester either in-class or online. A minimum number of students is required to run the in-class courses.
Courses in the Spanish language certificates do not qualify for General Education credit.
Use the Quick-Look Availability Scheduler to see available courses in a calendar view and plan towards achieving your certificate.
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