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French Translation in the Workplace

Certificate of Accomplishment | FT91

Program Overview

The French Translation in the Workplace certificate was created for people who are interested in English to French translation. Each course will provide you with a better understanding of the English to French translation process and skills necessary in becoming a professional translator. You will explore areas of study that are essential to working as a translator. This certificate will also help students increase their competence and confidence in working in both languages. All courses in this certificate are completed online.

If you are working towards this certificate, it is required that you have an advanced level of French knowledge, especially in written French.

Additional Information

For those interested in becoming language interpreters, we also offer the Language Interpreter Training Certificate.

Note: These courses do not qualify as Liberal Studies (General Education) credit in diploma/degree programs.


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Course Name 2025/2026 Academic Year 2026/2027 Academic Year
Compulsory Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
FREN 302: French Workplace Translation 2
FREN 303: French Workplace Translation 3
FREN 304: French Workplace Translation 4
FREN 305: French Workplace Translation 5

Compulsory Courses

FREN 302 French Workplace Translation 2
This course is a continuation of Level 1, and students will learn additional translation skills that will enable them to avoid the many pitfalls of translating documents from English to French in the workplace. Students will receive feedback on the translation of business documents within the workplace. Additional Information: This course does not qualify for a General Education credit.


FREN 303 French Workplace Translation 3
This course is a continuation of level 2. Students will learn additional translation skills that will enable them to avoid the many pitfalls of translating documents from English to French in the workplace. In addition, students will receive feedback on the translation of business documents within the workplace. Additional Information: This course does not qualify for a General Education credit.


FREN 304 French Workplace Translation 4
This course is a continuation of level 3. You will learn additional translation skills that will enable you to avoid the many pitfalls of translating documents from English to French in the workplace. As well, you will receive feedback on the translation of business documents within the workplace. Additional Information: This course does not qualify for General Education credit.


FREN 305 French Workplace Translation 5
This is the final course in the Translation in the Workplace Certificate. Students will learn translation skills not yet covered in earlier courses. Students will receive feedback on their translation of business documents within the workplace. Additional Information: This course does not qualify for a General Education credit.


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Humber Continuous Professional Learning Liberal Arts & Sciences
416.675.6622 ext. 4554

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