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The Benefits of a Teaching Practicum Placement

Work-integrated learning in the form of a teaching practicum is central to the successful development of TESL professionals.

The TESL Practicum

The TESL practicum will give you hands-on experience in a variety of classroom settings, and will help build the foundation for your future teaching careers. This is your opportunity to apply the concepts, knowledge, and practical skills from the classroom to the workplace. During the practicum you will also acquire teaching techniques and develop professionalism from experienced Mentor Teachers.

Practicum Partners Include:

  • Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Adult and Continuing Education
  • Muslim Community Centre
  • Thomas Merton Centre
  • Afghan Women’s Organization
  • Centre of English Studies
  • Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services

International Practicum Opportunities

Our Global TESL Practicum and Internship provides you with an exciting learning experience that will enable you to build competitive employability skills, build your global network, immerse yourself in an exotic culture, and gain international working experience. During your Global TESL Practicum and Internship, you not only complete the practicum requirements of Humber’s TESL Graduate Certificate, but also refine your teaching skills as a member of our select international partners teaching staff.

Benefits to Industry Partners

Future Opportunities?

TESL is a dynamic, varied, and growing global field. TESL graduates have many opportunities after graduation, including Internships in the Humber Summer Language Program, employment in the Humber Writing Centre, as well as opportunities to network during our TESL Career Day with representatives from private language schools, LINC, Niagara University, IELTS testing and more. Our graduates go on to teach in many Ontario colleges and Universities, private sector ESL schools, International ESL schools, and non-profit LINC organisations. 

Benefits to our Workplace Integrated Learning Partners

The teaching practicum is at the heart of our TESL program. Our students are well-supported, trained and ready to work with our practicum partners. Many of our partners employ our graduates, and benefit from the fresh ideas, energy, and skills our alumni bring.

A key relationship with our practicum partners is the mentor teacher. Mentors based in our partner sites play a key role in transitioning our students to working professionals.

What are Mentor Teacher expectations?

As a mentor teacher, you communicate with the TESL student you have been paired with, provide feedback on student lesson plans, answer questions, provide advice and share personal experiences regarding questions related to careers, and complete a brief evaluation upon practicum completion. The hands-on experience that our teacher-trainees gain in your classroom helps build the foundation for successful teaching careers for years to come.

Mentor Teachers are provided a letter stating the completion of 10 professional development hours that can be used TESL Ontario certification as well as a pre-paid gift card.

Who can become Mentor Teachers?

Mentor Teachers must meet the degree and English language proficiency requirements of TESL Ontario accreditation, and hold valid TESL Ontario accreditation. You can find these requirements from our accreditation body, TESL Ontario, and can be accessed at the following web address:

For more information about becoming a Mentor Teacher, contact Placement Advisor Megan Hornblow, at 416.675.6622 ext. 75322

Education Partnerships

The Humber ELC are experts in teacher training and pedagogy. If your organization is looking to develop TESL professional development activities, courses, or ESL training for your staff, we can work with you to develop specialized solutions. We have significant experience working with international organisations to support their training needs.

Join our Program Advisory Committee

We welcome members of professional and education communities in Toronto to our Program Advisory Committee. The PAC members are a vital source of feedback and ideas to ensure our programs ongoing success.

Additionally, we welcome experts to join us as guest speakers or to join our networking events.

For information on collaborative initiatives:

Contact our Program Coordinator Irene Kosmas at 416.672.6622 ext. 79116 or email