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Dual Credit Courses Offered to Secondary School Students

Taking a dual credit course at Humber means you have the opportunity to earn both a college course credit and a credit towards your secondary school diploma – a great way to learn more about Humber’s programs and college life.

Courses Offered (Spring 2025)

The courses we are running for Spring 2025 are:

Principles of Emergency Services

Course Code FRSE 110
Academic Year 2024-2025

Students learn about emergency services while exploring elements of emergency response, fire services, and public safety. Students discover the philosophy and principles of emergency response and service including commitment, integrity, objectivity, respect for others, and customer service. Students relate personal experience with the principles of public service. Students explore the importance of a strong team-based culture in the fire service including mental awareness and Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM).

This course provides an introduction and a strong foundation for success in the public emergency response profession. Students use their personal experiences and learned skills to connect with serving the public during emergency and non-emergency situations. Their exposure in this course to cultural and personal challenges within the profession permit them to enter the field as stronger contributors. Students gain an understanding of career and further educational opportunities in fire protection and other public safety fields.

Group Exercise

Course Code FITM 152
Academic Year 2024-2025

This course provides students with the skills required to plan and instruct a group exercise class. Topics include class formats, use of music, cueing, and successful instructional techniques. Students gain experience in instructing warmup, cardiovascular, group strength, and flexibility/mobility training routines. This active course takes place in a dedicated group exercise studio where students practice teaching sessions and learn from their peers and their instructor.

Video Production

Course Code MMDD 156
Academic Year 2024-2025

This course introduces students to the many facets of digital video production. Students go through all stages of planning, scripting, storyboarding, shooting, editing, and distributing digital video work. Students will become familiar with video editing tools, planning and executing a shoot schedule, proper lighting techniques, and learn industry standards to all tasks and activities covered in the course.

This course gives students a basic understanding of the underlying techniques and tools for digital video production from creation to distribution. Students will also engage with emerging video technologies to prepare for what may lie ahead in the field.

Sustainable Horticultural Practices

Course Code LAND 121
Academic Year 2024-2025

This course introduces students to basic horticultural skills required to develop and maintain commercial, public and residential landscapes. Bed layout and construction, maintenance, basic pruning, planting techniques and turf maintenance are covered. Students develop a professional and safety conscious work culture which will prepare them for the workplace. Conventional, sustainable and organic land management practices are taught and carried out in a lab-oriented environment. Students develop a basic competency level in the use and care of tools and equipment commonly used in the industry.


Group Exercise

Course Code FITM 152
Academic Year 2024-2025

This course provides students with the skills required to plan and instruct a group exercise class. Topics include class formats, use of music, cueing, and successful instructional techniques. Students gain experience in instructing warmup, cardiovascular, group strength, and flexibility/mobility training routines. This active course takes place in a dedicated group exercise studio where students practice teaching sessions and learn from their peers and their instructor.

Positive Psychology

Course Code GPSY 100
Academic Year 2024-2025

Positive psychology is a scientific approach to understanding human happiness and well-being. In this course, students will explore the foundations of positive psychology and apply the theories to their academic, personal, and professional lives. Students will critically examine important topics in positive psychology, including well-being and happiness, managing emotions and self-control, coping and resiliency, developing strengths, finding meaning and purpose, understanding self-concept, motivation, and success. Through exercises, workshops, projects, and discussions, students will explore how positive psychology principles can be utilized and applied to their academic lives and gain an understanding of the role that their behaviors and interactions play in their current and future success.

Marketing Fundamentals

Course Code MKTG 111
Academic Year 2024-2025

In this course, students will examine how marketing is practiced in Canadian business today. They will explore the purpose of marketing, the environmental forces, how target customers are identified and the process of market segmentation and positioning. The course will focus on explaining and exploring the elements of the marketing mix, product, price, place and promotion. Please note that students who choose to take an online section of this course must write the final exam in person, at either the Humber North or Lakeshore campus, or, if located more than 100km from the campus, through an approved proctoring facility. Any costs associated with this are the sole responsibility of the student.

Visual Literacy

Course Code MSFP 108
Academic Year 2024-2025

In this course, students will strengthen their digital image capture skills, learn techniques of design and composition, and explore digital editing while learning how to develop a strong narrative and build sequenced stories. Students will use Photoshop to restore, manipulate, and collage images and understand visual storytelling with a sequenced series of images captured on location. In the image capture studio, students will learn the essential principles, techniques, and tools for lighting portraits, products, and objects, and develop a range of lighting techniques. Through discussion, demonstrations, hands-on learning, students will expand their image capture practice and develop their own visual voice.

Courses Offered (Winter 2025)

The courses we are running for Winter 2025 are:

Children, Play and Creativity

Course Code ECE 113
Academic Year 2024-2025

Children learn naturally through play. This is a well-documented and evidenced understanding of children’s development. This course supports students in understanding the value and complexity of play in children’s lives. Students are better able to understand how learning environments and experiences meet professional standards once a foundational understanding of play is established.

Electric and Electronic Control 1

Course Code MLWT 106
Academic Year 2024-2025

Students acquire a basic knowledge of electrical circuits, electronic theory, thermostats, limit switches, photo cells, inductive switches, capacitive switches, transducers, thermocouples and solenoids. The course is delivered in a lab/lecture format.

Game Programming

Course Code GAME 101
Academic Year 2024-2025

Students create computer programs using an appropriate language. Learners implement fundamental logical structures and describe how they can be applied to games. Students focus on object-oriented programming.

Group Exercise

Course Code FITM 152
Academic Year 2024-2025

This course provides students with the skills required to plan and instruct a group exercise class. Topics include class formats, use of music, cueing, and successful instructional techniques. Students gain experience in instructing warmup, cardiovascular, group strength, and flexibility/mobility training routines. This active course takes place in a dedicated group exercise studio where students practice teaching sessions and learn from their peers and their instructor.

Introduction to Business

Course Code BMGT 100
Academic Year 2024-2025

Students enrolled in this course are assigned the role of business manager, and are responsible for acquiring the knowledge, skills, and attributes necessary for success in business. Students will participate in a business simulation where they will experience the challenges of managing a small business in a competitive environment. Throughout the simulation, students will examine what managers do to establish and achieve business goals, and the interrelationship between functional areas within the organization. Beyond business concepts, students will develop an important foundation of professional behaviours necessary to manage their own success. Students will grow their confidence and ability to work effectively in groups, take ownership of their learning, manage their time, practice effective communication skills, and develop and deliver purposeful business presentations. The essential business skills, knowledge, and behaviours developed throughout this course will establish the foundation of future academic success, while preparing students for the professional demands of a career in business.

Life Drawing For Animation 1

Course Code ANMN 101
Academic Year 2024-2025

This is a drawing fundamentals course that introduces students as to how to properly interpret and record visual information. Establishing a solid foundation in theory tools, and skills that any artist would need to truly master their craft, students will be well equipped to solve any visual problem they may be presented with.

Studio Production 1

Course Code BRTV 100
Academic Year 2024-2025

This course introduces students to the functions and operation of each piece of equipment associated with a professional television studio. They will understand the different shot requirements involved with a 3-camera setup while learning how to shoot using the director's vision and guidance. Using an assortment of projects, the students rotate through all of the crew positions and understand the importance of each member of a production team in a television studio setting. Students are also instructed regarding production positions and their roles.


Course Code MLWT 110
Academic Year 2024-2025

This course is an introduction to personal protective equipment for oxy-gas welding and cutting and arc welding. Students learn to set up and operate oxyacetylene and arc welding equipment to weld and cut safely to all specifications. The course is delivered in a lab/lecture format.

Interested in taking a Dual Credit course?

To review your program eligibility and application process, connect with your high school guidance counsellor or reach out to your school board contact directly:

Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB)

Robby Costa
Academic Consultant Student Success/Dual Credit/Pathways
Phone: 905.890.0708 Ext. 24356
Cell: 647.203.1147  

Halton District School Board (HDSB)

Alijcia Gibson
Dual Credit Resource Teacher
905.631.6120 ext. 4422  

Anja Vernon
Senior Analyst - School Programs
905.631.6120 ext. 4421  

Peel District School Board (PDSB)

Lata Persaud
Instructional Resource Teacher, Program Pathways/Dual Credits and Alternative Programs Support Services
905.890.1010 ext. 2240  

Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB)

Matthew Candiotto
Central Dual Credit Lead Teacher for Student Success
416.222.8282 ext. 2731  

Toronto District School Board (TDSB)

Amanda St. Louis
Co-ordinator of Student Success: Leadership, Learning & School Improvement

Eric Lawrence
Centrally Assigned Dual Credit Teacher

Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB)

Leigha Turner
Dual Credit Support Teacher

York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB)

Diane Di Meo
Programs & Pathways Consultant (k-12): Specialist High Skills Major/Co-operative Education/Dual Credit
Phone: 905.713.1211 Ext. 13056
Cell: 416.221.5051  

York Region District School Board (YRDSB)

Fadi Boutanos
Curriculum Consultants, Pathways |Curriculum & Instructional Services
905.727.0022 ext. 3269